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My 1978 Z28 Camaro (I Know Not A Firebird)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
Didn't get any photos but crossed some of the major things off the to do list. The brake system is now together, and all new. Today I got the drum setups all replaced w/ new wheel cylinders. Ran the new stainless axle brake lines to cylinders, and new flex to steel lines all done, making the system finally sealed and complete.

This was my first time doing drum brakes, I was going to do the firebirds but my father in law was bored and ended up doing it while I was in class. I've been wanting to see how they all work, and glad I got to learn em. The first side I fought for a bit because I broke the cardinal rule...I didn't take any photos of the before to compare to, and I didn't notice a few key arrangements in my gung hoe let's get them apart and replaced. So one side fought me a bit due to my inexperience and not thinking. But the second side was a breeze and went together very nicely in no time. I realized when I had everything apart that I should have bought parking cable setup as well. Oh well, that will be a project for a later date.

Master cylinder was bleed, and then the hard lines connected to it. Then ran out of daylight, so tomorrow I will bleed the full system, get the rear u joint in....then I should be able to....do a burnout!
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
Well, today was a rough day working on the Camaro, where everything wanted to fight me until I just said ok, its time to call it a day and have a stiff drink.

I used a vacuum pump to get the bulk of the air out of the lines, and then my father in law and I tried to bleed the final amount. But for whatever reason, we could not seem to get the master cylinder to actually pump up and pressurize at all with the car off. So, we figured, ok let's try hooking the power brake booster up to the motor running. Started the car but in a mili second realized the 4 speed shifter still isnt right, as though it was in neutral, the driveshaft was spinning so shut the car off. Pulled the driveline off, went to restart the car...will not fire. Cranked and cranked like I lost ignition. So checked for power at the switch and then at the power wire to the distributor, both had power. No miles on it yet but seems like the brand new distributor took a crap on me. So figured ok that sucks, but I still have a new u joint to install, lets get the driveline fixed atleast. took the old u joint off, went to put new one on, opened the new one and the cap had come off and the needles were everywhere. Got them all cleaned up, back in the cup nicely, went to put together, and while pressing the zerg fitting was destroyed. And that's when I knew today's progress was not happening.

Stupid cars. Why couldn't I just love stock Honda civics lol.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
My father-in-law fought the brakes for a while trying to figure out what was going wrong...turns out we have a part combability issue. I bought the power brake / mc setup as a kit from second gen graveyard, but that didnt mean that they will actually work together apparently. We kept not being able to really get any pressure built up. First it seemed like a brake hose was to fault as it started leaking but turns out the line had only one copper washer. Put one on top and bottom and resolved that. So, then we tried again, but realized it was something with the master. Took it apart to see if the rod was actually moving and saw that it was adjustable. So tried at half out, then at barely in the threads at max and still had 0 engagement of the master. So realized we need a long rod.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
Second gen graveyard got me a new rod on the way, apparently, they sell both styles of master's and is supposed to match the rod to the master depth type. just an oversight but took me way longer than it should have to figure it out.

Today I got both the gas pedal and throttle cable set up and got the clutch pedal and clutch rod adjustments done. I also got the drive lines new u joint installed and got it installed. I tinkered a bit on the shift linkages and tightened up the shifter as well and am much happier with finding neutral.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon

Well a huge milestone has happened, and my Camaro is no longer just an expensive paperweight.

After fighting and fighting with trying to get the adjustment bolt and master cylinder insert that came with from the manufacture to work together, I said screw it and put in a much longer bolt and threaded it to where the pedal felt "right" to me, and then saw that length was also making the master cylinder finally shoot fluid up fluid when pedal was depressed. No idea why what the people that made the parts don't work together, but whatever, I got it to work, and got the brakes bled with the car off, then started the car, and rebleed them, and tested to see, and I finally have functional brakes. I then got the new power steering lines installed, added fluid, got it bleed, and the pump all working as needed. then...I drove her!!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
I should have also said....

She ran beautifully around the block 3 times, then was starting to struggle running really rich. There wasn't a lick of wiring in the car and was just running off a toggle switch and push button. I should have thought about wiring an electric choke wire as well, as I think it was keeping the choke closed the whole time. But she has tons of power, and the clutch felt great. I only could get up to second gear in the neighborhood, but even a little extra pedal and she has no problem roasting tires. Had me grinning ear to ear the whole ride. Definitely need to get exhaust though, those open long tubes are as far from subtle as it gets.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
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Springfield, Oregon
Todays progress was a good milestone as well. After driving it, I realized the next logical step is to get the wiring harness started. I went with a speedway 12 circuit universal harness that my brother-in-law recommended. He's put them in dozens of hot rods and loves em, and I couldn't stomach spending 1k on a painless wiring vehicle specific one. I spent the day roughing it in. I got the engine wiring all routed, and successfully wired the starter in and ditched the push button removed, and the toggle switch. The engine now successfully starts off the column with a key like a real car. I also got the alternator wiring all hooked up now and verified that it was charging. Tomorrow I'll work on getting the headlights and taillights wired as well.

In other good news, my lien sale process paperwork closed, paperwork handled feels like perfect timing.
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