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  1. Onyx

    Turning Signal Issues - 2001 TA WS6

    Well I figured it out The daytime running light module is bad, and freaking out.
  2. Onyx

    Turning Signal Issues - 2001 TA WS6

    Well, 5 months later, a new turn signal issue pops up. My signals won't work unless you turn on the headlights. any ideas, I'm lost on this one!
  3. Onyx

    97 Trans Am Rear End Info?

    Is there a code or designation to tell if i have a 7.5" rear end or a 7.65? I am going to do the pinion seal, but the seal has different part numbers for the 2 rear-end sizes.
  4. Onyx

    Turning Signal Issues - 2001 TA WS6

    roblem solved! This was the problem.
  5. Onyx

    Need Help Locating Parts?

    Check out Hawk Motorsports. https://www.hawksmotorsports.com/
  6. Onyx

    Turning Signal Issues - 2001 TA WS6

    My 97 has turn signal issues, too. I got the car, and the turn signals didn't work. The dash indicator barely lights up when the switch is switched. I replaced the flasher, but it didn't help, so I installed a new turn signal switch to the column. I got nothing until i cycled the...
  7. Onyx

    1997 Trans Am

    I just picked up this 1997 TA.