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djseth's latest activity

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    djseth replied to the thread I'm in!.
    What cam are you guys running? I installed a Hydraulic Roller Cam and Lifters.
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    djseth replied to the thread I'm in!.
    If you take it easy, it's VERY drivable. When you get on it, she's beautifully violent! What year GTO do you have?
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    The M21 is a GREAT transmission. My 70 has one. It gets you to 100 MPH FAST! Cruising allows for easy shifts, skipping a gear...
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    djseth replied to the thread Welcome, djseth.
    Thank you! I'm happy to be in the group. I've owned my '70 TA since 1978. She was 8 different colors when I got her, and I...
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    djseth posted the thread I'm in! in Introductions:.
    Hi all. Thanks for allowing me entry! I have a 1970 1/2 Trans Am I bought in 1978. I have restored her twice. She is a Polar...
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